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So as the end of the year draws near its time for me to reflect on the best parts of 2015...

So as the end of the year draws near its time for me to reflect on the best parts of 2015...

This year has been crazy in so many different ways. There are the obvious atrocities, but the strength of anyone and any community is the ability to see what is good and positive rather than dwelling on pessimism. A year can fly by and it's nice to have a good old reflect on the craziness that can be life. So here it is, the highlights according to me. Sharing is caring.

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Grape Molasses - An accidental find that has forced me to discover it's many qualities.

Grape Molasses - An accidental find that has forced me to discover it's many qualities.

So I have this amazing Turkish place that I regularly go to and quite frankly what they can do with a simple onion and pomegranate molasses is delicious. So I have been a molasses fan for some time and had tracked it down, although this was about 2 years ago and since then it has been easy to get hold of, even in your local M&S. But.... On the usual online order a few months ago, they had run out and the men in blue had sent Grape Molasses as an alternative which I accepted and duly left in the cupboard, until now.

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We wish you a Merry Christmas & a Frugal New Year!

We wish you a Merry Christmas & a  Frugal New Year!

Right as the next few weeks pass and we haemorrhage cash like nobody's business, I know I will be making an extra special effort to keep my wallet closed as much as possible in the New Year. It's all about being smart and trying a little harder, rather than giving things up or just doing without.

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