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What is Shutdown Mode?

What is Shutdown Mode?

An unconscious reaction to blocking out what you don't have the time or the emotional energy to deal with. It's a bit like sticking your fingers in your ear and singing 'la la la' but a bit more subtle and complicated.

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Ah - the beauty that is a good friend.

Ah - the beauty that is a good friend.

Or more, if you are exceptionally lucky. They can come in all forms. The ones you see most days at the school gates, the diamond who is always ready to put the world to rights with a glass of vino (G&T, Espresso Martini and/or Pornstar Martini), those that just know you inside out whether they see you daily, weekly, monthly or yearly.

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Fashion and Image. It's never simple is it?

Fashion and Image. It's never simple is it?

Regardless of what we feel is irrelevant, there are image issues that many of us deal with, whether it's for our own satisfaction or others. We are told not to obsess about it, but it is not always that clear cut. The next fad, what's on trend is just another way to try and figure out what makes us feel good.

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