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It's Chriiiiiiiistmas ~ Time for Prosec-Ho-Ho-Ho!!

It's Chriiiiiiiistmas ~ Time for Prosec-Ho-Ho-Ho!!

There is so much to get excited about, I don't even know where to start. There's lashings of feel good telly, Christmas Markets, excitable children, bribery to keep said children in check, the lights being turned on, shopping, every excuse to drink mulled wine, a treat everyday (thank you Beauty Calendars!), food, more food and then a bit more food to go on the side of the previous food.

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Q & A with Joanna Weston

Q & A with Joanna Weston

With the UK Americana scene gaining momentum, I've had the pleasure of coming across some incredible artists over the last 12 months within the Country, Jazz and Blues community. My latest offering to you is no exception.

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