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I know this little place... Harris + Hoole

I know this little place... Harris + Hoole

Harris + Hoole, a Tesco affiliated chain of cafes in the Greater London area that seem to have just found a gap in the cafe market. Imagine that!? Considering how many of them there are! Their rustic, eclectic decor offers areas to suit a variety of people which you rarely see in the likes of Starbucks. Dogs, kids, WFH's are all welcome and it just works.

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Quinoa, quinoa, wherefore art thou quinoa...

Quinoa, quinoa, wherefore art thou quinoa...

Living in West London, Quinoa has been on my radar for some time now. It's everywhere. It's virtually impossible to walk through an M&S or Wholefood's without encountering it. Pinterest is all over it. It's healthy, it's versatile and now, as with anything so fundamental in a variety of healthy dishes... It has evolved.

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