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Why I started ‘Get Booked’

Why I started ‘Get Booked’

There are many reasons that I have reading and writing as a top priority in my life. Writing for a start is cathartic and allows me to unjumble what is going on in my head and share with others something that hopefully may help them or even entertain them. Reading is a chance to escape, learn something new, increase empathy, be a distraction and/or keep you off tech!

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Mental Health Advocate Series - Get Booked

Mental Health Advocate Series - Get Booked

I’m very lucky to host a show at Women’s Radio Station called ‘Get Booked’ where we talk about what I’ve read, what I’m reading, new releases, chat to authors, bloggers, publishers and book enthusiasts. All based around Supporting women’s emotional wellbeing. Opening discussions and offering support via the incredible writing community out there.

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