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Tip of The Day

  • Hazel Butterfield
  • 10 November 2015

Tip of the day - How to get rid of scratches on patent shoes

Tip of The Day

A great trick that I was recently told about, which was especially handy as I was just about to throw my only once worn white stilettos - no I haven't defected to Essex, the are Louboutin and were kind of tasteful. 

On their first and only occasion that they were worn, admired but enjoyed too much and then unfortunately scratched to hell. No wet one was moving anything so they remained in their box until I could pay to get them fixed or accept I had been too careless enough to deserve owning them. I was just about to accept defeat and get rid when my cleaning lady told me to try cotton wool and nail polish remover. Freakin' brilliant. It worked and I can wear them again.

Please go forth and utilise this knowledge as is required.

You are welcome.